They say fairy tales are not true
But when I held your hand I knew it was you
My place by your side my princess to be
What they don't believe I began to see
They don't know what they speak; it's so unreal
But the touch of your hand within I could feel
My heart made pure and the love exists
What they can't see is the magical mists
They say it's temporal this thing that I yearn
But within my heart the passion it burns
My place by your side my princess indeed
What is unbelieven my heart does read
They say this love; it can not last
But the blindness my heart looks past
My heart is locked and you have the key
What they are starting to believe I will let them see
They say there is no truth it will only die
But when I looked into your eyes I saw their lie
My place by your side my princess dove
Their beginning to see my fairy-tale love
They say it is all so very wrong
But still my passion continues strong
My heart is yours if only you believe
What they say you must first leave
They say beware your heart will be broken
But I give you my soul as a heart's token
My love will last by the vows I have spoke
As in its meaning the love shall soak
They say fairy-tales are not true
But when I held your hand I knew it was you
My place by your side my princess to be
My life is now yours for all to see